Rocket Launches!
Year 62-73
PG Bracket Brake designed for a Full Tree‚ Reverse Safely W/2 Wire Solenoid.
This is an OEM valve body converted for transbrake use.
Our transbrakes feature CNC machined aluminum separator plates‚ CNC machined reverse spool valve‚ and American made 2 wire solenoids for the ultimate in consistency and durability.
All our transbrakes feature hydraulic release and a safety reverse.
Reverse can not be activated without placing the shifter in the reverse position and depressing the transbrake button.
Should the need arise; this valve body can be easily converted to Pro Tree use.
The shift pattern remains forward PRN21.
Kit includes the valvebody, solenoid, governor blockoff plate and plunger.
To use reverse you must shift to reverse and depress the transbrake button!